Σάββατο 1 Οκτωβρίου 2022



The highly-sacred complete-wholeness of the absolute, creative and
Axial framework of the Justness of Creation* is presented and
analysed here with absolute precision as a significant offering by its
creator towards the Ellene human (Anthropos*). The rank of the
priority and hierarchy of its construction is as follows:
1st Law: The Security of Justice,
2nd Law: The Law of the Atomo, “With Priority the Assurance of the
Complete Total”.
12 Ellania Values
18 Ellania Principles
3 Laws of the Politeia

Based on this highly-sacred complete-wholeness, all Ellania societal
Polities and human totals must legislate their Laws for their immortal, cosmic and Just lives. In turn, this will secure their ascension within Creation.

The understanding and entry into the wholeness of the Ellanio Value
System on behalf of the Ellene humans, requires their acknowledgement of their wholeness, in other words, their Immortality since Justness is created and born from it.

An d so, all Ellene humans have to realise that if they do not
acknowledge the wholeness of their Immortality with absolute
precision, they will not be able to perceive their Justness. As a result,
they will continually remain within the lethe/oblivion* of injustice andapostasy.

This acknowledgement places us within our primordial, immortal and creative Justness and this functions as a “beginning” for the
understanding of the wholeness of the highly-sacred and divine
Ellanio Value System of 33 + 2 TWO Protocols.

Contrary to this, throughout the planet Gaia-Demeter-Artemis* today,there is no human Legislator who legislates Laws for the
administration of the Justness of the human or for the human
physiology and Ellania creative physiology of his entire environment
for his creation and his Ellanio creative environment. This is the
ortho*, existing and absolute creative position of our Whole, our

There are only two types of apostate laws, and when they are in
absolute coordination, they reign over the humans and their creative
environment, enslaving them within the nets of the apostate downfall
and oblivion:

These include the black laws of the abominable and vile priesthoods, dogmas and religions of the apostate alliance of TROY*, and the lifeless laws of the pseudo-governments of Gaia. Altogether, theysolely produce injustice and have entirely e liminated the meanings of Justness, Law and Legislator from the planet.

As the creator of this Sacred Ellanio Text informs us, the above occurs because it is impossible for Laws of the Justness of the physiology of the human, and the Legislators who will justly legislate them to exist, as they are within an apostate regime whose purpose is to deteriorate and eliminate true Creation and its creations.

The Ellene humans must become the Legislators and legislate Laws in line with their sacred Ellanio Value System and in accordance with
their absolute physiology. The Laws will be timeless for the purpose of humanity’s ascensional path within the Immortality of their Justness and within the Timeless-Time of their Immortality.

As proven by the creator of this Sacred Ellanio Text through his
absolute analysis, the Laws and Justness that secure are identical
wholeness units that contribute to the applicational execution of their

Through the Laws and Immortality that give birth to Justness, the
absolute and creative Axial framework of the creation of our
Democratea* (Democracy), which means the Power «κρΑτεΑ» (pron. Cratea) of the Creations «δημο» (pron. Demo), is structured and composed for the composition and structure of the Ellene Politeia (State), the true Politeia of the Ellene human Polites (Citizens).

This absolute and creative framework is nothing else than the Ellanio
Value System of 33 Protocols + 2 TWO Laws. Only this exists as a
reference to our creation for every Ellene human creation, who is in
precision with the creative application of the physiology of his
creation. From this, the Laws of the Ellene Politeia derive.

Whatever is outside of this framework, is solely apostasy with thousands of forms and alterations.

Throughout the pages of this Sacred Ellanio Text, by following the
precise analyses, breakdowns* (Diaspaseis) and syntheses of its
creator, the reader will be able to trace and rightly perceive meanings
that include: “Legislator «νομοθετησ» (pron. Nomothetis), Ellene
Politis – Oplitis «ελλην πολιτης - οπλιτησ», Atomo «Ατομο»,
Freedom «ΕΛΕΦΘΕΡΙΑ» (pron. Eleftheria), Immortality «ΑΘΑΝΑΣΙΑ» (pron. Athanasia), Abundance «ΑΦΘΟΝΙΑ» (pron. Afthonia), Education «ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ» (pron. Paideia), Talent «τΑΛΕΝΤΟ», Future «μελλον» (pron. Mellon), Laws «ΝΟΜΟΙ»  (pron. Nomoi), Judge «ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΣ» (pron. Dikastis), Restoration «ΕΠΑΝΟΡΘΩΣΗ» (pron. Epanorthosi). These terms will significantly broaden the plane of the reader’s consciousness.

Note: “Pron.” in the paragraph above is the abbreviation of “Pronounced”.

They will be able to see with the eyes of Nous* and will understand
the coded appearance of the Ellanio Value System of 33 Protocols that exist upon the geometrical pediments* of the sacred Ellania temples.

They will comprehend (Noesis*) that each of the 12 Ellania and highlysacred Values represents an Ellania Olympian and highly-sacred hyper-attribute* of an Olympian divine hyper-entity. The wholeness of the 12 Values is within the wholeness of the 12 Olympians*, and they derive from the 12 highly-sacred creative hyper-attributes of the 12 Ellania Olympian, highly-sacred, unique, divine and creative hyperentities.

They will learn that the Law of the Security of Justice, in essence,
involves the executive application of Restoration, which is the
securing of the truth of Justness.

They will know that the Law of the Atomo is the absolute assurance
for the Freedom of the collective and total Atomo of their Ellania
creation. They also belong to this complete and collective Atomo as an integral part, as an individual (atomic) Atomo.






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